Міжнародний молодіжний табір для країн Великого шовкового шляху


Національна молодіжна рада України має змогу відправити делегатів на цей захід – Міжнародний молодіжний табір для країн Великого шовкового шляху.

Deadline: August 10, 2017

Venue: September 21-25, 2017, Baku, Azerbaijan

Open to: Young people from the entire world, (especially Silk Roads Countries)

In the recent years many projects aimed to rising cross-cultural ties between countries were implemented. As one of the Great Silk Way International Youth Union’s objectives is to organize various international training courses and seminars, round-table meetings, exhibitions, conferences, charity marathons, forums and other events aimed at multi-cultural learning, the Union considers that it is important to implement this project in the country where living together among people with different cultures and religions is not a form of behavior, but a way of living.


  1. To initiate an intercultural dialogue between youth workers;
  2. To create sustainable motivation and encourage youth for promotion of values and development of actions in the sphere of multicultural dialogue on their local level;
  3. To create common understanding of intercultural dialogue among participants and to develop participants skills in this field;
  4. To encourage future network among participants and support potential peer-leaders and multipliers for Intercultural Dialogue working on local level after the participants are back to their countries of residence;
  5. To explore existing concepts, practices and approaches in intercultural dialogue, non-formal education, project management;
  6. To ascertain the obligations of community to respect, protect and fulfill the right to equal education among the people representing different cultures, nations and religious.


The participants must:

  • be aged 18 and 35;
  • be able to work in English;
  • be youth workers involved in youth or community projects in their countries and be willing to realize youth initiatives for intercultural dialogue following the residential meeting;
  • possess a sense of responsibility for one’s own actions and a commitment to personal and community development;
  • be curious, open-minded, appreciate diversity and learn about each other’s realities;
  • be interested in creation of network that will collaborate after the project is over;
  • demonstrate willingness to work;
  • participate at the full duration of the project;


Costs for living arrangements, food, internal transportation and activities are fully provided, however, international participants have just to pay their travel expenses.

Application Process:

Here is the link to the application form: https://docs.google.com/…/1BtR-ggq9RO9Yxe7GTO7iObIGUze…/edit

Send the application form and your CV in English to: nycukr@gmail.com

Applicants will be informed about selection till the 15th of August.

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