On November 23, in Kyiv, representatives of the National Youth Council of Ukraine member organizations, NYCU Board members Artur Kharytonov, Alina Halai, Victor Kovalenko, member of Board of Trustees Artem Mosiychuk joined the Roundtable: Discussion on filling the Framework Program on Cooperation between the Council of Europe and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine in the field of Youth Policy.
The meeting was attended by Oleksandr Yarema, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, who presented the Framework Program on Cooperation between the Council of Europe and the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine in 2016-2020. The round table was also joined by Dominic Scherer, the representative of the Council of Europe Advisory Council on Youth, who presented best practices on youth participation and the co-management system.
Today, the roundtable has become a real platform for exchanging ideas on potential projects and the possibility of implementing a co-management system, following the example of the Council of Europe in the youth policy in Ukraine.
The event aimed to facilitate the process of youth participation in the drafting of bilateral cooperation program activities. Therefore, we can say that the meeting was very productive and effective.
* The Framework Program contributes to the reform and development of youth policy in Ukraine by prioritizing actions in 3 areas:
– education for human rights and democratic citizenship (youth participation, democratic governance, human rights education, etc.);
– support to youth work development and recognition of non-formal education;
– peace-building and intercultural dialogue.