Meeting with National Youth Council of Moldova

It’s just impossible to be in Moldova and not get to know the National Youth Council of Moldova (Consiliul Naţional al Tineretului din Moldova)y

Recently, Yuliia Shkulipa, the Chairperson of the NYCU Membership Commission and National Coordinator of  Eurodesk Ukraine/Eurodesk, during her visit to Chisinau, also visited the and met CNTM Chairman Valeriu Drăgălin and CNTM Secretary-General.

Although this time was not so much time for communication (since youth work is out of place), it was still a great opportunity for personal acquaintance and a small gift from NYCU. Now our recently published Desk Review “The Power of Youth Instruments for Effective Youth Participation” ( and the bag “Advocate for Youth Rights”. We consider it symbolic since advocacy of youth rights and effective youth participation are the things that unite all National Youth Councils.

We hope that soon our National Youth Councils will be able to fruitfully work together!


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