Meeting with UF The Swedish Youth Association – UF of Foreign Affairs

On December 10, representatives of the National Youth Council of Ukraine Natalia Shevchuk, NYCU Secretary-General, Yulia Shkulipa, Head of the NYCU Membership Commission, Vadim Bratchykov, Chairperson of the NYCU Reginal Branch “Kyiv Youth Council” with representatives of the UF The Swedish Youth Association – UF of Foreign Affairs, part of LSU – Sveriges Ungdomsorganisationer (National Youth Council of Sweden)

UF Uppsala visited NYCU as part of their study visit to Ukraine aimed at learning about and better understanding the public sector policy and the situation in Ukraine. We had the chance to present NYCU activities, share our experience in Ukraine, and find useful information on youth policy in Sweden.

This meeting was quite sincere, as we shared with each other our obstacles and achievements. Thus, young people, we still have a long way to go. We work together for a better future!

* UF Uppsala – an independent student association of foreign affairs in Uppsala, which creates a space for discussions on issues of urgency for young people, organizes lectures and study trips, broadcasts its own radio show, publishes its own journal, etc.


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