International conference on the youth policy state in post-Soviet countries 

On 11-17 December representatives of NYCU team Natalia Shevchuk, German, Natalia Shevchuk, Olena Bilanina, and Denis Lyubchenko participated in the international conference on the youth policy state in post-Soviet countries.

The event was organized by the Bavarian Youth Council (Bayerischer Jugendring) together with the Union of Russian-speaking Youth in Germany “JunOst”, the Bavarian Land Association and Heiner-Janik-Haus, a youth education centre.
During the event, participants from Belarus, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Germany, Russia, and Ukraine presented the dynamics of youth policy development in their countries over the last 30 years and the challenges facing young people today. They also talked more about their organizations’ activities, achievements, and upcoming plans.


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