The SDG Partnership Coordination Meeting took place on June 25

In addition to representatives of the organizing team and the secretariat (Natalia Shevchuk, Ane Edslev Jacobsen, Talent Tatenda Madungwe, Farai Danny Mhlanga), the meeting was also attended by leaders of partner organizations Julian Kritsak, Chairman of the National Youth Council of Ukraine – NYCUkraine, Chris Holst Preuss, Chairman of the National Youth Council of Denmark (DUF – Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd), Sithabelakonke Nyathi, Chairman of the Zetbabwe Youth Empowerment Transformation Foundation (Yet Trust). ??

✅During the meeting, further priorities and prospects of the partnership, the situation with the coronavirus pandemic in each of the countries, as well as changes in the national action plans were discussed. In the future, the partnership provides for more active advocacy at various international platforms.

We also took this opportunity to congratulate our DUF partners – Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd, who this year celebrate the anniversary – 80 years since the creation and development for the benefit not only of Danish youth policy, but also internationally.

?SDG Partnership is an international cooperation between national youth councils in the world from North to South. The mission of the partnership is to ensure meaningful youth participation in a more sustainable world by empowering young people to become agents of change in their local context, and to promote the voice of young people in the global arena in implementing sustainable development goals and decision-making.

#sdgs #LNOB #vierduf #myzimsdgs #nycu_sdg #joint_sdg

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