We invite young people to the World Skills Day! Join Zuminar with NYCU: Youth Skills in the 21st Century??

We invite young people to the World Skills Day! Join Zuminar with NYCU: Youth Skills in the 21st Century??

The Covid-19 pandemic and quarantine measures have led to the closure of technical and vocational education institutions in the seventh world, threatening the continued development of skills among young people.

?According to various estimates, almost 70% of students in the world are affected by school closures at the educational level. Respondents to vocational education surveys co-sponsored by UNESCO, the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the World Bank reported that distance learning has become the most common method of learning, with considerable difficulties in, inter alia, curriculum adaptation, student and teacher training, and technical equipment and permanent access to the Internet connection, assessment and certification processes. ?

“Even before the coronavirus crisis, young people aged 15-24 were three times more likely than adults to be unemployed and often faced a long transition from school to employment.”
In societies that have been affected by Covid-19 as never before, the success of our generation in securing their own rights and building our state will depend on the skills of successful governance, resilience in adapting to future crises and other flexible skills.

?In order to raise awareness of the importance of investing in youth skills development, improving socio-economic conditions for young people to address unemployment and underemployment, we decided to bring together experts and people who work daily in the field of youth skills development. During our meetings we will discuss how to support such initiatives in Ukraine and how young people who do not have a direct connection to this area can gain the necessary knowledge and skills.

Among our speakers?:
✅Maryna Popatenko, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine
IsaVisa Nagieva, Member of the NYCU Council, SAMU NGO – Union of Azerbaijani Youth in Ukraine and YEP
KovaViktor Kovalenko, Member of the NYCU Council, member of JCI Youth NGO and Ukrainian Alliance NGO
✅Liza Luhova, Chair of the NGO Initiative Youth Union “SIM”

So, we are waiting for you at our wonderful event on July 15 at 15:00 in ZUM broadcast on the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81475343325

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