A new generation for the educational reconstruction of Ukraine!

Young people from all over Ukraine are boldly taking steps towards European integration, self-development and influence on Ukrainian extracurricular education, gathering in Chernivtsi in November 2023.

7-й Тренувальний табір Європейського Молодіжного Парламенту України спільно з Національною Молодіжною Радою України “Академія молодіжного лідерства та демократії” – це 60 прогресивних лідерів/ок, школярів/ок і студентів/ок з 20 областей України, які приїхали задля навчання та удосконалення своїх навичок в таких сферах, як: управління громадськими організаціями, проєктне управління, командне управління, медіа та фотографії. Кожен учасник(-ця) відкриває новий розділ своєї подорожі у світ лідерства,  ідей по відбудові України та демократичних цілей.

During 4 days, youth activists studied offline and online trainings from experienced project managers, heads of large organizations, and leaders of modern Ukraine. Julia Markhel, founder of Let's do it Ukraine, and Natalia Shevchuk, head of the National Youth Council of Ukraine, spoke at the event for the participants. Participants had the opportunity to discuss important social issues with them, communicate and share experiences!

From November 9th to 13th, participants discussed important societal issues, communicated, and exchanged experiences in the heart of Bukovina. On the first day, the organizing team and representatives of the Ukrainian Youth Movement for Peace visited a training session on creating a safe and comfortable space for participants. The following day, they engaged with active youth within the walls of the Scientific Library of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. The knowledge gained by the invited participants at the training camp will be utilized in participating in youth initiatives, volunteer movements, careers, and organizational development in our country. 

The event was organized in collaboration with the National youth council of Ukraine(NYCU) team and motivated representatives of the European Youth Parliament Ukraine - Maria Arshinnikova, Oleksandr Gladkyi, Sofia Bohdanova, Anastasiia Fedorchenko, Roksolana Torba, And was supervised by a representative of the national committee of the European Youth Parliament – Ukraine, Darya Oliynyk. The initiative was supported and fully sponsored by NYCU. 

7th Training Camp "Youth Leadership and Democracy Academy" organized within the framework of the project "Level up of youth NGOs for the democratic future of Ukraine", which is implemented by the National Youth Council of Germany (DBJR) in partnership with the National Youth Council of Ukraine (NMRU) with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany.

The other partners of the 7th training camp include Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi Regional Military Administration, Pronto Pizza, In Omnia Paratus, and UniCompass. 

"This project opened up new opportunities for development within our country and inspired me to work", "I learned a lot about the organization of volunteer projects and am ready to put everything into practice", > - admit the project participants. We are sure that our new generation is the bright and successful future of Ukraine, which is already starting to rebuild.

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